Monday, September 27, 2010

A lil insight of Rhian

My name is rhian Milena. I joined SL back in December 2007. After a couple of months, I made a decision to step out of SL. On what I thought would be my last night, one of my friends insisted that I should come to a Grand Opening of a club. While I was there, I met the guy that would become my best friend and later my loving Husband. We pretty much live by enjoying each day and making the most of it and not following the SL rulebook. Then RL came in and separated us for a year. I always knew he would come back and I'll be here waiting for him. Now he has returned, we are taking the time to get to reacquainted with each other and most important together.

How I became a Model?? Well that is an interesting story..... I never thought of becoming one... Well one of my dearest and quite ZANY sister decided to become a model. Her brilliant idea was for me to become one also and we would rule the runways. Unfortunately RL has taken her away. I continued to pursue my dreams as a model. I became a Live-Store Model. I am now working for this "AMAZING" designer and I am the Manager of the other In-store Models. Gee has always been one of my biggest supporter.

What do I like to do for fun.... I like to explore the sims in ShowCase and show them off in my Flickr page. I enjoy laughing and dancing with Gee and friends. Spending quiet moments with Gee. Being surrounded with the people I deeply care about. Most of all getting zany and just having fun.

I started taking classes at New Citizen Inc, a while back and really never finished them. I was just taking a class that was being held that day. While Gee was away, I went back with a new attitude and approach... To complete one course at a time, before moving on the next subject. I have been successful. I realize that I really suck in Animations, but refuse to give up on it. I was always amazed by watching Gee build in the past and with his artwork. Since he has been back and I've finished all the building class. We spend our time is building at the sandbox. In the process I built a home and got it listed on the SLM. Realizing I am having fun in building. My next attempt in classes will be Scripting. I still have one class to finish in Textures. I do believe in being well rounded and taking all the opportunity to learn in SL.

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